README.TXT - 10/1/1998 ========================= This document contains information about using the ActiveX Control "BSCSplitter" About BSCSplitter ----------------- BSCSplitter was designed to provide a simple and quick way to produce a split view in any Microsoft Visual Basic 5 or higher Program. BSCSplitter has the following features... Simple to use. Custom splitter width. Custom minimum window size. Can use the "Normal" splitter type or the Byte-Sized Computing Quick-Close Type. Using BSCSplitter ----------------- Run the program BSCSplitter.exe for a demostration of the control. if you receive an error "BSCSplitter is not correctly registered then run the following command. regsvr32 bscsplitter.ocx You may use the control in your own programs provided that the program is not to be sold or distributed in any way. This enables you to fully test the control. A Demo application is included (BSCSlpitter.exe). Also, the source code for the demo can be found in WITHIN the file. If you want to DISTRIBUTE the control with your application then you must first register. Registration costs just $10. Once you have registered, you may use the control AND distribute it with your applications ROYALTY-FREE. The source code is also available for a registration fee of $40. If you wish to register then please visit... and follow the purchase link on the BSCSplitter page. If you have any comments or suggestions then please let me know. Thanks Simon Daykin ____ __ _____ _ __ / __ )__ __/ /____ / ___/(_)___ ___ ____/ / _________ ____ ___ / __ / / / / __/ _ \______\__ \/ /_ / / _ \/ __ / / ___/ __ \/ __ `__ \ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ __/_____/__/ / / / /_/ __/ /_/ /_/ /__/ /_/ / / / / / / /_____/\__, /\__/\___/ /____/_/ /___/\___/\__,_/(_)___/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ /____/ E-Mail : Web : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of Document ------------------------------